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Real Dogs + Improv Jones + Mr. and Mrs. Major

Improv comedy from some of DC's top performers.

Real Dogs + Improv Jones + Mr. and Mrs. Major

Ticketing Info


Real Dogs

Have you ever tried to make your apartment as messy as possible, and then clean it up before your roommate comes back from out of town? If so, you might be a real dog. (Justin Carty, Adam Levine, Dan Milliken)

Improv Jones

My name is Jones. Improv Jones. (Jesse Chimes, Robin Doody, Elizabeth Fulton, Ryan Krull, Adam Levine, Sam Schiftin)

Mr. and Mrs. Major

A married pair of improvisers create an original comedic play on the spot based on a suggestion from the audience. (Julia Major, Steve Major)

Presales: We encourage you to buy tickets in advance! There’s always a chance there will be tickets available at the door, but you can guarantee a seat by purchasing online

Pickup: When you purchase a ticket online, your name is added to a list that we will use to check you in at the door. Just give your name (or the name/email you use to purchase your tickets) and you’ll be all set.

Late arrivals: Sometimes people are late to a show. It happens. We will do our best to seat you, however, if you are more than 10 minutes late to a sold out show, we will release your seats to paying customers at the door

Lineup: Sometimes lineups change and we reserve the right to change them as needed for the show to go on