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Duo Block-o

Improv comedy from some DC’s top performers

Duo Block-o

An all-duo block of improv shows


Ticketing Info

Presales: We encourage you to buy tickets in advance! There’s always a chance there will be tickets available at the door, but you can guarantee a seat by purchasing online

Pickup: When you purchase a ticket online, your name is added to a list that we will use to check you in at the door. Just give your name (or the name/email you use to purchase your tickets) and you’ll be all set.

Late arrivals: Sometimes people are late to a show. It happens. We will do our best to seat you, however, if you are more than 10 minutes late to a sold out show, we will release your seats to paying customers at the door

Lineup: Sometimes lineups change and we reserve the right to change them as needed for the show to go on